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Tips for Improving Your MPG

Tips for Improving Your MPG

Though gas prices have been pretty low for most of the year, the cost of fuel still adds up over time. It’s always in your best interest to maximize your vehicle’s miles per gallon. Not only does it save you money, but it helps protect our planet’s resources.

Obviously purchasing a vehicle that gets high mileage is a great way to save on fuel. But regardless of what you’re currently driving, there are different things you can be doing to increase your MPG. Generally, a higher MPG average means your vehicle is being better taken care of all around.

Here are a few things you can be mindful of that should make the most out of your fuel efficiency.

Keep Your Tires in Check

Keeping your tires at the proper pressure is incredibly simple, yet surprisingly effective at improving vehicle performance. Most modern cars have digital meters that check your tire pressure for you. Still, it doesn’t hurt to get in the habit of manually checking with a pressure gauge. If you’re low, go to the gas station and fill your tire to the correct amount. Most stations offer free air.

Not only does it help with gas mileage, but it can also help balance out tire wear and potentially improve handling. If you’re not sure what the pressure should be, you should be able to find It on a sticker inside of your door or in your owner’s manual. You can also just Google it.

It’s also important to keep your tires properly aligned.  This helps both with gas mileage and tire wear. Most auto shops will be able to handle this for you.

Slow Down on Acceleration and Braking

Some people like to drive their car aggressively, speeding off quickly and stopping at the last minute. We get the sentiment. Pressing hard on the gas pedal is exciting. Waiting until the last minute to hit your brakes feels like you’re moving along faster.

However, both of these actions are hard on your vehicle in a number of ways. They also result in worse gas mileage. The harder you accelerate, the more gas you burn. Accelerating slowly can save on gas. Similarly, you’ll get better MPG if you let your car naturally slow down rather than hitting your breaks, accelerating a bit, and then hitting your breaks again.

Less A/C

We all like to be comfortable in our cars, and not everyone likes to have the windows down.  Still, constantly having the A/C running can bring down your MPG more than you might realize.  If you don’t need, don’t use it.  Try switching over to the fan or vent setting instead.

Lighten the Load

The heavier a vehicle is, the poorer its gas mileage tends to be.  If you have a lot of unnecessary stuff rolling around in the trunk, back seat, etc., then get rid of it. Cleaning out your car doesn’t just save on MPG; it makes your car more presentable to other people.

Use Synthetic Oil

Making sure your vehicle’s oil is regularly changed will help improve overall engine efficiency. However, if you really want to maximize efficiency, you should utilize full synthetic oil. Unlike conventional oil, synthetic oil is mixed with special additives that remove impurities and improve its consistency. This results in better performance, increased gas mileage, cooler temperatures, and less engine build-up.

Though synthetic oil costs more money, the oil needs to be changed less often. Between fewer oil changes and better performance, you’re bound to save money in the long run.

At Zima Automotive, we always want to help our customers get the best performance out of their cars. That’s why we only use synthetic oil in our oil changes. If you’re looking for a trustworthy mechanic who can help make sure your car is running like it should be, we’re here for you.

For auto repair, general maintenance, and oil changes in Springfield and Urbana, Ohio, contact Zima Automotive today!

Photo by Noey smiley via Canva Pro

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